English Grammar - Future Simple - Teaching Ideas - Teach English Certification The future simple tense can be used for threats, promises and predictions. In this video we look at a teaching idea for the predictions usage. In pairs students are given a card with some prompts and responses. One student reads the prompt and the other responds with the given comment and their own sentence in the future simple tense. For example: Student 1: I've lost my shoe. Student 2: Don't worry. It'll turn up somewhere. For anyone wanting to teach English certification is the best route to take. An online TEFL course from ITTT will equip you with the skills needed to be successful in the classroom. Not only will it cover tenses such as the future simple featured in this video but it will also cover other grammar points such as modal verbs, reported speech etc. and teaching methodologies, classroom management and more. /// -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Are you ready to Teach English Abroad? -~-~~-~~~-~~-~-

Below you can read feedback from an ITTT graduate regarding one section of their online TEFL certification course. Each of our online courses is broken down into concise units that focus on specific areas of English language teaching. This convenient, highly structured design means that you can quickly get to grips with each section before moving onto the next.

Personally it's good thing for me to get more information about lesson planning, luckily I've got a lot about it from unit 9. It's good to have this information because lesson planning allows teacher not only organize class in way it should be but also come back to content once it's needed! Now I know more about what to write and what not to in lesson planning!Unit 7 covered the necessities of learning a new language :1. Student must be exposed to the new language, 2. Understand its meaning, 3. Understand how the language is constructed, and 4. Practice speaking the new language. Techniques were offered to teach vocabulary, grammar, and structure of a new language. Example activities were also given for the \"Engage\