TEFL La Matanza

Check out about TEFL La Matanza and apply today to be certified to teach English abroad.

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This is how our TEFL graduates feel they have gained from their course, and how they plan to put into action what they learned:

J.J. – U.S.A. said:
Taking the course has expanded my knowledge of english grammar, lesson planning, and classroom management. I currently use the tools, tips and strategies learned throughout this course in my classrooms. I have also picked up a lot of great teaching ideas from taking this course. I think that learning the ESA lesson plan strategy will serve me and my students greatly as I progress in my teaching career. I am currently reformatting many of my pre-prepared lesson plans from last semester to incorporate the ESA format for use in my next semester. I also feel more confident as a teacher because of the knowledge that I have gained throughout this course. I now believe that I am on the right path as a teacher, and that I have truly found my calling.