TESOL Certification Japan Naha

Check out about TESOL Certification Japan Naha and apply today to be certified to teach English abroad.

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This is how our TEFL graduates feel they have gained from their course, and how they plan to put into action what they learned:

In this unit I learned a lot of the advantages and disadvantages of using a course book and materials. It has made me a aware of what I need to look out for when using a course book and how I can make improvements to a specific lesson if the course book doesn't seem to be efficient enough. What a good teacher uses in his/her practices to teach new learners and to motivate them and make the material interesting so students want to stay focused and learn the language/subject. What a good teacher uses in his/her practices to teach new learners and to motivate them and make the material interesting so students want to stay focused and learn the language/subject. The teacher needs patience and has to adapt as it is a new experience for us as well as the student learning the subject.