Teach English in KwaZulu Natal - TEFL Courses

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified in KwaZulu Natal? Are you interested in teaching English in KwaZulu Natal? Check out our opportunities in this beautiful US state, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English in your community or abroad! offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.
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St Lucia
In this course, I reviewed grammar and sentence structure. This course allowed me to refresh on rules that through time and passage I have put to the side. It gave me an opportunity to get the cogniti
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St Michael's on sea
As a teacher it is important to understand the figure of speech. Sometimes we are confused on the correct use of it. so we really need to practice so that we can be more familiar with it. And most of
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My reflection for this unit is that it is extremely difficult! I have a degree in communication, but I Haven't thought about nouns and adjectives since primary school! I found this difficult and I ca
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Tugela Ferry
In this unit on reading and listening it states a beneficial fact while teaching new languages. The fact is that both reading and listening are equally important while learning a new language. Both re
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This part of lesson I took a long time to complete, because there is a lot of information to absorb. Grammar is a weakness of Mine that I am trying to improve in. I believe after this lesson I have a
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This unit was particularly interesting & useful because it covered a subject that is so familiar to myself and all native English speakers, but also a subject that most people do not know how to expla
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Through this unit, I learned more about the different types of nouns, adjectives, and verbs. I already know the difference between nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, pronouns, articles, prepositions,
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Teaching tenses is important in language instruction. Therefore it's essential that language teachers are comfortable teaching tenses as well as points of grammar in general. Being comfortable in one'
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This unit gave an insight into parts of speech. It also refreshed my memory on the technical terms on parts of speech. It is a very well structured unit. And although I have finished the unit, I will
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Umhlanga Rocks
Learning about the Parts of Speech is introduction to grammar, to classify words in one sentence according to the work they do in the sentence. Teaching basic parts of speech is a good way to help stu
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This unit provided an overview of the major parts of speech. It looked at nouns (countable and uncountable, proper and common), verbs (transitive and intransitive), adjectives, adverbs, articles (def
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I have read and learnt the important qualities of a good teacher in which these qualities I do considered important being an english teacher. Considering that there are number of factors to recognize
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Evaluating students helps them to see their progress and areas where they can make improvements. The teacher can use tutorials and review the work and lessons already done. The teacher can also can al
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This lesson is an introduction to Grammar which is the 'parts of speech'. As a native English speaker I do not always know the grammar rules to why I speak the way I do. I have learned most of the gra
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I have learnt that to be able to communicate in English, there is a need to learn and understand how English grammar works. To be able to speak, write, read and listen, learners should used nouns an
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The attitude of a teacher has a great impact on the students' learning. A teacher should show a more engaging and friendly attitude for the students to be encouraged to participate in class. Gestures
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The unit discusses grammar basics and how important it is for teachers to be aware of those roles in order to avoid losing confidence of students. Each word in a sentence can be further classified, t
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This unit covered parts of speech. Grammar and parts of speech is, without a doubt, the area I feel most insecure about when it comes to my tefl certification. As someone who learned English as a se
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Van Reenen
In this Unit I learned about what makes a good teacher. I also learned about the different roles of the teacher in the classroom and how the teacher should use the different roles at different times d
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This unit breaks down the common parts of speech and gives us a basic understanding of grammar and grammatical structure. It is easy to see how non-native speakers of English could be easily intimid
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In Unit 2 we have studied the Parts of speech. This is, the classification of each part of a sentence, according to its purpose and the meaning it adds (nouns, adjectives, verbs, prepositions, adverbs
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Unit 2 reviewed many of the basic grammar structures that I learned in my middle school and first year of high school English classes. Included in the review were gerunds, adjectives, pronouns, super
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Warner Beach
In this unit we discussed various parts of speech. Although many teachers won't have all of the answers to questions on grammar, it is important that teachers have at least a basic level of understand
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Setting students up for success is priority which becomes apparent in the comparison of the two videos. Learning to balance each phase of the lesson and having the ability to read your students and kn
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In this unit two, it was refreshing to learn 'parts of speech' of English Grammar which we rarely pay any attention in our natural everyday speech. Another important takeaway in this unit is in regard
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This unit gives a clear explanation of the main parts of speech, which mainly can be formed by a noun and a verb, and there is further clasification depending on the content of the sentences. The part
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This really tested my knowledge! Parts of speech is just something we all take for granted and don't really need to think about often. I can understand why learning parts of speech is so important
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In this unit, I learned some basic English grammar about sentence structures. A typical English sentence can be divided into different parts called part of speech. Each word in a sentence has its rol
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This unit focuses on the grammatical elements of English in regards to parts of speech and how to identify types of words in a sentence. Beyond teaching how to identify parts of speech, it helps in s
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This content was very straight forward and easy to follow. I am enjoying the way the practise tasks are linking to other units. Again I find some of the test questions messy when they are positioned i
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