Teach English in Gauteng - TEFL Courses

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This Unit is pretty straightforward. I like the way that the parts of speech are presented in the video more than the reading, because it is a little bit much reading that list of verbs. This Unit i
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This Unit is pretty straightforward. I like the way that the parts of speech are presented in the video more than the reading, because the verb list was a bit much. Other than that, this unit was pr
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In this unit I had a great refresher as far as reviewing the major parts of speech, and what I most enjoyed was learning about the more specific parts of speech. This unit gave me a great reference to
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This Unit is pretty straightforward. I like the way that the parts of speech are presented in the video more than the reading. grammar is difficult In thios unit i have learned the differnet parts o
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Bank, Gauteng
This unit was very helpful in showing the different ways a teacher can be creative with the lesson. This shows how you can create interest and motivate students by using different materials. I like
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I believe grammar is very important within the English language .Because if you use of incorrect grammar sentences can become meaningless and the message is unclear. This means that you aren?t able to
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The above unit has helped me gain more understanding on the English language, context and meaning. The requirement for and when using different parts of speech and the understanding required in this.
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What I have found to be most interesting is that the mechanics of the English language, the inner workings of structure of my native language that I use pretty much without conscious thought are SO co
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I have learned a bit more about the grammar of the english language and was able to go deeper into it. Especially about the verbs, those were a refreshment for me. This unit is indeed a base to refer
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I learned a lot from this unit. I have a better understanding of why things work the way they do and will no longer take for granted knowing how to explain that to my students. Reviewing this unit gav
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In this unit I have learnt all about identifying different parts of speech and recognizing what that aspect of speech is called for example nouns, pronouns, adjectives etc and the reasoning behind why
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This unit's content was heavily based on the parts of speech and went into detail about the different types of these parts. I learned a lot from the unit because it was a good reminder of the basic pa
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This unit reviews the very basic This module was excellent to help with my understanding of English grammar. I found practically all of the content to be appropriate, timely, stimulating and challeng
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The content found in Grammar parts of speech: Nouns. Adjectives. Articles. Verbs. Adverbs. Gerunds. Pronouns. Prepositions/conjunctions. Tasks. Each of this content has a basic principles and roles.
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This unit well designed to know about the grammar more clearly and effectively. Unit Guide was extremely helpful to learn about general grammar. (Grammatical forms, explanation and examples were well
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This unit presents the whole course content briefly. it presents some of the general business terminology.the aim of this course is to have a general understanding of the role of business english teac
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In this unit we learned about the materials we would use in a business english class and particularly the difference between authentic and non-authentic materials. We also looked at what we need to co
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I liked this unit a lot. It was a nice benefit for me. The unit gave a multitude of various equipment and teaching aides that can be used in the classroom. I also like the disadvantages and advantages
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This units helps to explain the parts of speech used in sentences and specifically how to identify them. For example, a sentence usually consists of a subject and a verb. And if we look at sentences,
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This unit helped me a lot to learn which is the parts of speech and how we use them at the sentence. The phrase part of speech refers to an identifying label given to a word based on how it is used in
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Teachers need to have a good understanding of the structure of English grammer, in order to convey the rules and many complexities to students. We must be able to identify the parts of speech, includi
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This unit went over many of the basic constructs of English sentences. Although much of the material was familiar to me it was very useful to go over once again. I learned the basic structures of noun
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This unit delt with all parts of speech of a sentence. Persoanlly I don't have any problems with grammar and this unit was very easy. The only problem is that students get very confused with these ter
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Parts of speech has always been one of the grammar points I constantly seem to have to study. I remember most points; however, when it comes to adverbs, I seem to fall short. Nevertheless, this unit
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The unit was very interesting and helpful. The information about business etiquette and cultural issues that one must be aware of is very useful. I also appreciate the information about the type of
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Henley on Klip
This is all very basic English yet I have a lot to remember! The difference between possessive pronouns and possessive adjectives is a very difficult thing to differentiate at times. I don't remember
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This unit was on parts of speech. Most of the content was information that I subconsciously know but do not ever think about. I think reviewing the part of speech and when certain words should be used
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This unit explained the basic parts of speech and how they function in a sentence. It explained the use of nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, articles, and conjunctions, as well as the b
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Unit two has taught me how to look at a sentence and identify and classify each word using the parts of speech. Common parts of speech that were discussed include: nouns, adjectives, verbs, articles,
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The parts of speech are one of the most basic areas in grammar and yet can be a daunting task to teach and, especially, learn. The most probable reason for that is the sheer amount of classifications
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Kempton Park
This unit was really worth lookin at. Many issues that are required for English are given as a summary in this unit. First of all I learned that when A teacher teaches how to choose a way. It means th
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I am now more and more realising how challenging it can be to teach young learners and beginners at least for me personally. I already have some experience in teaching english to Middle School student
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English grammar can be a difficult subject to teach, so it is crucial for students and teachers to pay close attention to the fundamental structure of sentences in the English language as well as the
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Grammar is probably the most basic yet the most difficult to master in English language. It is strange that I have been speaking English since young but I have not considered to recognize and classify
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Ive learned how to identify parts of speech in a sentence. By studying this lesson I now have a larger knowdlege about verbs, adjectives, pronouns, nouns, adverbs, conjunctions and articles. Now is e
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I found this unit to be very helpful in showing all the ways that nouns, adjectives, verbs etc can be used in sentences. As the content of this page is very in dept, it will always come in useful to
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As an English teacher in Korea, It's not nessessary to teach grammar in English. Because we are taught English grammar in korean. And all terms are made of Chiness charactor. So I already knew the te
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I have learn that there are many different words that sound the same but have different meanings. I Haven't studied parts of speech in years. Now that I'm familiar with a lot more nouns, adjectives an
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This unit explained the difference between the four present tenses. Present Simple - used to describe present activities or routines/habits. Present Continuous - usually to describe something happeni
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This unit on grammar gave me a full review on what are the basic rules that needs to be applied in teaching the different parts of speech. This particular subject is what I have been studying for the
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I learned the different particles in a sentence. I think this lesson helped me a lot because taught me new grammar and also allowed me to review what I already learned in the past. I feel that this le
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Unit 2 includes instruction on parts of speech, essential for all English language teachers to have mastered in order to be able to give proper lectures to students on any language level. Even though
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This lesson taught several parts of speech including nouns, verbs, adverbs, adjectives, articles, pronouns, gerunds, prepositions and conjunctions. It also explained the various types of each. I have
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For Unit 2, I was able to review the parts of speech and I learned to be more intricate when classifying words in a sentence. One example is differentiating between transitive and intransitive verbs.
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I have learn that there are many different words that sound the same but have different meanings. I Haven't studied parts of speech in years. Now that I'm familiar with a lot more nouns, adjectives a
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In this unit we learnt about parts of speech and covered: nouns, including the main types, their plural forms and countable nouns versus uncountable nouns; adjectives, superlatives and comparatives; a
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Grammar is a difficult topic for every teacher. While this unit touches the basics of grammar, I found the order in which they where detailed easy to read and understand. The examples given where also
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There are different parts of speech in English: verbs, nouns, adjectives, pronouns, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions, gerunds. Each has its own semantic and grammartical classes. Nouns have number,
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This unit was about the "parts of speech"" which make up sentences and how they are used. It also taught me how to identify them in sentences and the general rules regarding them." This unit was abou
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In this unit I learned parts of speech. The given explanation is very clear in the text and in the video. It was interesting to deep myself in grammar subjects which I learned very long ago and forgot
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